Aarhus University Seal

The Centre for Digital Creativity is hosting a workshop in Oslo at the ACM Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction

The aim of this workshop is to examine and discuss the role and functions of digital tools in collaborative creative work.

The workshop takes place on September 30, 2018 in Oslo. 

How to Participate

Participants must submit a position paper in relation to workshop themes to participate. This forms the basis for the presentations during the workshop and grounds the subsequent discussions. The workshop process is:

1) Participants submit a paper (2-4 pages SIGCHI Extended Abstracts) describing methodological, theoretical, or case-oriented contributions.

2) Participants will be divided into sub-groups to read and comment on each other’s contributions prior to the workshop, and to identify common points of interest.

3) Participants give a short presentation of their own work, as well as the group-work, during the workshop. 

Press the link below to learn more about the workshop and deadlines